
Different Moods in Providence

I love walking the streets of Providence, RI in the early morning. It is a very “walkable” city, and there are always people on the streets (even throughout the recent pandemic). The Providence River winds its way from just below the capitol building, through the downtown area, and out to the harbor near India Point. You can capture a wide range of moody settings by setting out early.

Providence State Capitol building
The silhouette of the Providence state capitol building in the early morning

College campuses dominate much of the real estate in the city; Brown, Rhode Island School of Design, Providence College, and Johnson & Wales each have their own feel and atmosphere. In the two images below, I tried to capture the misty feel of the Brown campus on a foggy morning.

A foggy morning walk on the Brown University campus
Before the morning rush of students on Brown campus
A different morning, with lots of sunshine. I love the juxtaposition of this early morning jogger in India Point Park and the wind turbines and tanks on the harbor-front opposite.
As people walk by, I try to capture quiet moments like the one above, where two friends (colleagues?) share a leisurely walk and conversation.
I sat by a pedestrian bridge over the Providence River, and was rewarded with this brief exchange of looks between this couple out for a walk.
A practical means of transportation for the streets of Providence, just waiting to go.

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