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Wind Industry Comes to New Bedford

The push to develop alternative energy sources has come to New Bedford, MA. Vineyard Wind, an offshore wind development company, is using New Bedford as a base for building the “first commercial-scale” offshore wind project in the country. When completed, 62 wind turbines will deliver electricity for an estimated 400,000 homes and businesses in the region. The Marine Commerce Terminal was constructed in New Bedford to support the construction, assembly and deployment of offshore wind projects like Vineyard Wind. The…

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Wintry Scenes on the Southcoast

The Southcoast area of Massachusetts offers some beautiful scenery. But it is an entirely different atmosphere when there is snow covering the ground, falling on the trees, and reflecting the weak winter sunlight. After reading a few articles about Norwegians making a point to get outside throughout the winter, I decided to make an extra effort to get outside to photograph scenes of winter in New England.…

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