
The stark beauty of fishing boats in New Bedford Harbor

The history of New Bedford, MA is closely tied to the fishing industry. Much of the town’s early wealth came from the whaling industry, which is still celebrated with an annual public reading of Moby Dick. New Bedford still ranks as the nation’s largest fishing seaport (as measured in dollars), with scalloping generating the greatest revenue.

Walking around the piers of New Bedford, it’s obvious that fishing is still a harsh, difficult way to make a living. The fishing trawlers are nothing like the gleaming white yachts you associate with Miami Beach. Maintaining the boats from the harsh ocean conditions is an industry in itself, with crews working constantly on repairs. But there is still a kind of stark beauty around the harbor, especially in the early morning and late afternoon.

Looking out between two fishing boats at Pier 3.
Heading out into the early morning fog.
Looking out towards the hurricane dike that protects New Bedford Harbor.

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